
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The good, the bad, and the funny

I refrained from posting much online last week. In the midst of the sadness and confusion that followed the attack in Boston, I found myself both grateful for and thoroughly frustrated by social media sites. Grateful because those of us who were states away from the grieving communities were able to show our support through prayers and well-wishes. Frustrated because, just as news and well-wishes can be sent, so can misinformation, hatred, and uneducated opinions. While I am glad to live in a country where we can basically say anything we want in any public forum, we often say absolutely anything and everything that comes to mind, even when it is unhelpful or unvalidated. That frustrates me to no end.

The one thing that really hit home with me last week was when the suspect was identified as a 19 year old. I've met many 19 year olds in the past few years at Duke. They are smart, surrounded by brilliant people, learning tools of their respective trades from leaders in their fields, and passionate about the world around them. They're 19 now, but someday they will be our country's engineers, doctors, lawyers, business owners and politicians. They have the passion and potential to significantly and positively impact the world, and I'm confident when I say that I know some who will. While I pray for that boy who hurt so many, I also give thanks for the good these others have already done and will do.

Our next few weeks will be full of end-of-the-year festivities with Duke Lutherans, and packing our apartment. So much to do, so little time, and obviously some stress along with that. Assuming you are stressed as well, here are a few goodies to make you smile :)

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