
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's that time of year...

... when having no desire to shop is problematic.

I love Christmas, and I love giving people gifts. But for some reason, this year I'm suffering from some shoppers-block. I have absolutely no idea what to get for people, and little time or energy to go out looking for things.

I mean, I know that my family is going to love me no matter what, but I still feel kind of lame that I can't think of anything to get people, you know?

So here's to hoping that I am struck by some great ideas in the very near future. But more importantly, here's to only a few short weeks before Drew, Stan and I pack the car and drive up to the [hopefully not too] cold North to spend time with those we love.

1 comment:

  1. That last picture is from my wedding! And I Hope I get to see you!
